A Call to Generosity
Your gift helps us in our mission to serve God by serving others in our local community andaround the world. Thank you for your generosity and the investment that you’re making into the Kingdom of God. There are several ways to give that we have listed below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at office@portyjoppachurch.org
In being good stewards of what we have been given as an individual and as a church, we seek to be transparent in how our finances are spent. Financial reports and budgets are created by our finance team and treasurer and must then be approved by our session of elders. These are available upon request.
A gift of £10 broken down in our budget would be used as follows:
£5 Ministry and mission
£2 Support Staff (e.g. youth worker, secretary, caretaker)
£2 Property-related running costs (e.g. heating, lighting, council tax)
£1 Other running costs (e.g. communications, stationery children’s ministry supplies)
Ways to Give to Portobello Joppa Parish Church

Donate with PayPal

Standing Order
Setting up a standing order through your bank is an easy way to automate the important payments in your life. Your bank will automatically send Portobello and Joppa Parish Church your support each month on the day that you designate.
If you would like to set up a standing order please email:

Sunday Service
During Sunday worship, you can give by cheque or cash as we receive the offering. From Sunday 1st September 2019 we will be trialling the use of a new contactless/chip and pin reader which will allow cashless donations to be made in an easy and secure manner. This option will be available after the service each week in the Centenary Hall.

Donate with a Bank Card

Gift Aid Declaration
Gift Aid allows UK charities to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on donations by the donor. This means we can claim back from the government on your behalf 25p for every £1 donated, boosting the value of the donation by a quarter.
For more information in understanding Gift Aid please visit https://www.gov.uk/donating-to-charity/gift-aid

Send your cheque to:
Portobello and Joppa Parish Church,
Brunstane Road North, EH15 2DL

Making or updating a Will is an important job that we can often put off. Although it’s a serious task, it helps us to focus our attention on the key priorities in our lives. One of these priorities might be how you can continue to support the work of Portobello and Joppa Parish Church (PJPC) in the form of a legacy. A legacy can be small or large – the gift you leave will always make a difference to your church. And because PJPC is a registered charity (SC011728), any legacy that you make could help reduce any inheritance tax due on your estate.
If you wish to consider this further then please discuss this with your solicitor who can ensure that your wishes are clearly reflected in your Will in accordance with the law. If you wish to understand more about how a legacy could help with the work of PJPC then please email office@portyjoppachurch.org